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new guinea impatiens care

New Guinea Impatiens Care – How To Get The Best Blooms

Botanical Name: Impatiens hawkeri Plant Type : Annual Mature Size: 1-3 feet Sun Exposure: Partial Shade - Filtered Sun Bloom Time: Continuous Planting Zones: Hardy in zones 10-12. An annual in all other zones. In this article we want to go over, in detail, new guinea impatiens care and how to get the best...

easy landscaping ideas for beginners image

Easy Landscaping Ideas For Beginners

If you're a beginning gardener, congratulations. You're about to enter a very fulfilling world of color and beauty and we want to start you out right. Here are some easy landscaping ideas for beginners that you can use and implement starting right now. Even better, you can have a new garden finished in a...

deer resistant plants for shade

The Top 10 Deer Resistant Plants For Shade

Choosing plants for a shade garden can be a challenge. Their lack of sun can limit your options for sure.  Then if you add deer resistant plants for shade, you might be tempted to think your choices are non-existant. That thought however, is not correct. There are many deer proof plants for shade that...

best deer repellent

The Best Deer Repellent Review – Save Your Plants

Dealing with deer. It can be very discouraging. You try one thing, then another, then another and still, they keep eating your plants. What should you do? Well, there are many methods for controlling deer, which we've outlined here. One of those is using a deer repellent. However, when you go shopping for one,...


The Best Annuals For Sun – Our Top 6 Easiest To Grow

If you're like most people with a gardening interest, you want bright, colorful flowers during warmer weather and the good news is, it's extremely easy. In this article we want to tell you about the 6 best annuals for sun, especially if you're a beginner, and how you can get that professional look in...

How To Keep Deer Out Of Your Garden

If you are gardener these days, besides challenges of keeping plants growing and watered, there are also the challenges of critters eating your plants, and most commonly deer. Fighting with the deer can be very stressful. We know. We've been doing it for years too. All of your hard earned money and time on...

dragon wing begonia top image

Dragon Wing Begonia – Everything You Need To Know

Growth: 2 Feet Wide By 2-3 Feet High Light: Full Shade To Partial Filtered Sun Planting Zones: 10-11 As A Perennial, An Annual In All Other Zones Of all the begonia varieties, the dragon wing begonia is one of the most unique. It's uses, care and pruning can be unique as well. In our...

how to start composting image

How To Start Composting For Healthier Plants

Just in case you didn't know, composting is a great idea. If you're reading this article, we know you've been wanting to do it but don't know how. If this is you, we've got the definitive guide for how to start composting and why you should do it. The why is easy to expain....

Garden masterz home image

So, you want a good looking landscape at your home.  The kind of curb appeal where neighbors will stop and take notice.  Plus, you want to be proud of your home and it’s appearance.

We are not "master gardeners."  That requires hours of study and work, plus a certification.

However, Art's degree in horticulture, plus our combined experience of over 50 years as professional landscapers, (you can read our ABOUT US section here), has given us experiences few can claim.  We’ve seen it all.  We’ve heard the questions. We’ve seen the mistakes.

Now we’ve come to help you get a better looking landscape for your home, the kind that will have people stopping to take notice.

This site is geared toward the beginning gardener.  However, even more experienced homeowners should get some value here because we aim to show you how the “pros” do it - shortcuts and tips that will help you get more with less time and less money - and tips that will have your garden look like it was professionally designed.

How To Use The The Site

We've tried organizing the information in an easy-to-understand logical layout.

If you want to transform your home's landscape, you will need knowledge in only 3 areas...

  1. Designing and preparing your garden beds.
  2. Knowing which plants to choose for your own landscape.
  3. How to care for your lawn properly.

Now, these 3 areas can cover a lot of territory.  However, let's start with the basics.

If you're new to gardening, you can start by clicking that topic in the above menu.  This will bring you to 2 sub-topics, "gardening basics for beginners" and "pro landscape tips."  Here you'll find tips and tricks that we, as professionals, have been using to save us time and make gardening easier and fun.

If you want to start planting, you can find what you need in all 3 areas above by clicking the menu items that correspond to those areas:

  1. Garden Prep And Maintenance 
  2. Plant Guide
  3. DIY Lawn Care Guide

Finally, you'll see a section devoted to the "Best Gardening Products."  You can read about the products we use in our own landscaping work that work for us and our clients.  We will never recommend something we haven't tried or that doesn't work.  We know the products we've used, sometimes for decades.  Trust us.  They work.

You can also use the categories listed on the right to find something more specific.  For instance, if you're a beginning gardener just getting started, clicking the category "beginning gardeners" will take you to the articles we've deemed good for you.  You can also use the tags in the same way.

Finally, if you want to find specific information, such as looking up a specific plant, or solving a specific problem, using our search feature at the top right is probably your best option.  Simply search for a word, say, "pansies" and articles that contain that word will be displayed in the results.

This is super easy so try it for yourself.  Search for pansies and see what comes up.

If you still can't find what you're looking for, contact us or comment on the blog so we can write an article about that exact subject.

Here at Garden Masterz we want to give you all the information you could ever need to transform your home's landscape.  We hope we're doing that.

Happy gardening!
