annuals Archives -
over winter begonias image

How To Over Winter Begonias For Long Lasting Beauty!

Begonias are one of the most common and popular plants used by gardeners and plant lovers today. We love them too. In fact, many people love them so much, they want to over winter them so they can be saved from year to year. We understand. It's hard to beat a winter begonia, not...

types of marigolds

Types Of Marigolds And Where To Plant

Botanical Name: Tagetes Patula Plant Type : Annual Mature Size: 6 inches to 4-5 feet Sun Exposure: full sun ideal, partial sun possible Bloom Time: early spring until first frost Planting Zones: 2-11 but only in warmer months Marigolds... or Tagetes! That bright yellow sunny plant that screems summer! In this article we want...


The Best Annuals For Sun – Our Top 6 Easiest To Grow

If you're like most people with a gardening interest, you want bright, colorful flowers during warmer weather and the good news is, it's extremely easy. In this article we want to tell you about the 6 best annuals for sun, especially if you're a beginner, and how you can get that professional look in...

foundation planting

Foundation Planting Ideas For Around Your Home

If you've heard the term foundation planting but want to know specifically what that is, as well as what makes a good foundation plan, we have the answers here. A foundation planting is a garden that is located adjacent to the foundation or exterior walls of your home.  If you're garden is adjacent to...

best annuals for shade

The Top 8 Best Annuals For Shade Gardens

In this article we want to go over some of the best annuals for shade, and specifically, our top 8 that we like the most. Why do we like them? Simple. They are easy to grow and brighten up an otherwise shady garden. You might think there are less annuals available for shade then...

what plants are annuals

What Plants Are Annuals And Which Ones Should You Plant?

When you visit your local garden center do you get overwhelmed by plants and theand the beautiful colors surrounding you? Even experienced gardeners visiting stores can be overwhelmed. You know you want color in your gardens but you're not sure which flowering plants would be good for your particular situation. after all, there are...

annuals vs perennials

Annuals vs Perennials – When To Use Them In Your Gardens

The debate over when to use annuals vs perennials goes on among even the most savy gardeners. The simple reason that everyone has their preferences.   There's no right or wrong answer here. Each choice comes with it's own set of advantages and disadvantages that only you can weight out - and indeed we urge...

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